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Purchase of BCD or other crypto via debit or credit card


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Yes, this would be nice to offer - the only thing is once we start handling fiat currency things get very crazy with laws. Also, fraud would be another big issue that would make this difficult. We could possibly work out a deal with an existing provider to sell it for us, will keep this noted. Thanks for the feedback!

"Life is the biggest scam of all, because eventually you die."

- digitaldash

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As well if im correct and the casino is coco's because hes under age so there's no having to pay taxes (which if im wrong, Chris should concider cause thats a fk ton of $$$$) adding fiat to the profit source is a shitload of extra work and judging by how the majority of support really doesnt do much more then brush up on their excuse making skills I feel safe saying the staff here likely has enough work as it is, if they weren't busy already they would have time to look into our usually needless complaints more often... the idea is awesome and would make things waaaay easier for the players but very opposite for the staff..

Bottom line, this is a CRYPTO  based casino, people that dont have access to crypto in reality are only wasteing time eveen being here in the first place sad but true. And whats also quite harsh but true is that players were alot more content here before there were so many players as well so from a business perspective thinking 100% from a profit perspective... adding fiat options might cause alot more stress on staff and add more players which sounds positive but is actually negative cause that will cause already high paying regulars the owners know they can teust to have less faith in the site and all around the math could go either way but there's a great chance it could leave yhe site with a lowered profit margin and a higher workload..... again, not guaranteed but really good chance.....as a player i would love the option but from the owners perspective...is it really worth it?

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Sorry Dash, i meant to say as well that your idea for a 3rd party provider is excellent...not that my opinion matters too much but none the less at least 1 person for sure thinks you're great ....keep up the good work hun, lovin you

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