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Script Help - How to always Bet in Crash the maximum coin that I have?


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Can I asked help on a script with below requirement?

I would like to achieve where my bet is always the maximum coin I have.


1st Bet: 10 at payout 1.1 - If I win I will have 11

2nd Bet: 11 at payout 1.1 - If win again I will have 12.1

3rd Bet: 12.1 at payout 1.1 - If win again I will have 13.31

4th Bet: ... and so on...  Until I reached a certain number of games (say 10 times)


Is there a way to do this?

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Here is the easiest way to make sure you stay at max bet.  Open your dev console and type this and hit enter

setInterval(crash.setAmount(crash.maxAmount), 10000)


it will set you to the max amount that you have in that coin.

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  On 5/5/2022 at 11:21 PM, AlanMDC4 said:

Can I asked help on a script with below requirement?

I would like to achieve where my bet is always the maximum coin I have.


1st Bet: 10 at payout 1.1 - If I win I will have 11

2nd Bet: 11 at payout 1.1 - If win again I will have 12.1

3rd Bet: 12.1 at payout 1.1 - If win again I will have 13.31

4th Bet: ... and so on...  Until I reached a certain number of games (say 10 times)


Is there a way to do this?


Why do you want to do that? At least 1 of every 9-10 games will be below 1.1. You'll have to cash out like in the 3th game, repeating this for 4 times


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  On 5/6/2022 at 7:51 AM, Money_Magnet said:

Why do you want to do that? At least 1 of every 9-10 games will be below 1.1. You'll have to cash out like in the 3th game, repeating this for 4 times



I just want the script and you're right, I would need to run it for at least not more than 5 or I can change the payout to be 1.05 or even 1.01.

Can you help me build a script for this?

  On 5/6/2022 at 2:38 AM, Skele said:

Here is the easiest way to make sure you stay at max bet.  Open your dev console and type this and hit enter

setInterval(crash.setAmount(crash.maxAmount), 10000)


it will set you to the max amount that you have in that coin.


Thamk Skele but where should I put this code?

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eiher find a good script injector or open the dev console and put it directly in there. you can also keep track of your balance in the script so that you always know what your max bet its . there are plenty examples out there of scripts who keep a running balance.  As to @Money_Magnet's point, stopping every few games isn't even going to really cut your risk all that much. you are better off betting a percentage that you can actually have something to recover with. i typically for a 1.1 script do about 1/4 of my bankroll.

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  On 5/6/2022 at 8:50 PM, Skele said:

eiher find a good script injector or open the dev console and put it directly in there. you can also keep track of your balance in the script so that you always know what your max bet its . there are plenty examples out there of scripts who keep a running balance.  As to @Money_Magnet's point, stopping every few games isn't even going to really cut your risk all that much. you are better off betting a percentage that you can actually have something to recover with. i typically for a 1.1 script do about 1/4 of my bankroll.


agree on this. so is there a code where I can always bet 1/4 of my total coin every game?

ex. my initial coin is 80

1st Bet = 20 (1/4 of 80) at payout 1.1x, If I win I will get 22 so my total coin will now be 82 (60 + 22).

2nd Bet = 20.5 (1/4 of 92) at payout 1.1x, if I win I will get 22.10 so my total will become 61.5 + 22.10 = 83.60

3rd Bet... and so on... until certain number of games reached

Anyone can help/

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Bisa kah anda membuat script stop profit di dice faucetpay?

// Made by: Crypto Inc. Technology

mybet = "0.000010";
var wcmin = 25;
var wcmax = 10;
var current_roll = 0; // Current Roll Number (0)
var maximum_rolls = 10000000; // Maximum Number of Rolls
var net_profit = 0;
ops = 1;
     bet_amount = (mybet).toString();
     winning_chance = validateWinningChance(Math.floor(Math.random() * (wcmax - wcmin + 1)) + wcmin);
     payout = getPayoutFromWinningChance(winning_chance);
     profit = getProfit(bet_amount, payout);
     client_seed = generateRandomClientSeed();
     prediction = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1));
$("#console-log").html("<b>Crypto Inc Start Script</b>");

function main() {
    if (current_roll === 0) {

    placeBet(bet_amount, profit, payout, winning_chance, client_seed, prediction, function (resp) {

        if (resp !== false) {


            if (current_roll < maximum_rolls) {
            } else {
                main = null;

             if (resp.win === 1) {
                net_profit = math.add(net_profit, profit).toFixed(8);
                llgs = "WIN";
bet_amount = (mybet).toString();
winning_chance = validateWinningChance(Math.floor(Math.random() * (wcmax - wcmin + 1)) + wcmin);
payout = getPayoutFromWinningChance(winning_chance);
profit = getProfit(bet_amount, payout);
client_seed = generateRandomClientSeed();
prediction = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1));
plotGraphData(window.chart, current_roll, net_profit * 0.10000000);
            $("#console-log").append("<br>" + "Status : " + llgs + " || Profit : " + net_profit + " || Balance Now : " + resp.balance + " || WC: " + bet_amount).scrollTop($("#console-log")[0].scrollHeight);

                net_profit = parseFloat(net_profit - bet_amount).toFixed(7);
                llgs = "LOSE";
bet_amount = parseFloat(+(bet_amount) + +((100 / 100) * +(bet_amount))).toFixed(7);
winning_chance = validateWinningChance(Math.floor(Math.random() * (wcmax - wcmin + 1)) + wcmin);
payout = getPayoutFromWinningChance(winning_chance);
profit = getProfit(bet_amount, payout);
client_seed = generateRandomClientSeed();
prediction = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1));
plotGraphData(window.chart, current_roll, net_profit * 0.10000000);
            $("#console-log").append("<br>" + "Status : " + llgs + " || Profit : " + net_profit + " || Balance Now : " + resp.balance + " || WC: " + bet_amount).scrollTop($("#console-log")[0].scrollHeight);
            if(net_profit >= 0.001000){



can you make this script into a mining script on dice advance faucetpay?
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